Living in Korea
Born in 77
have a wife and two children
I am an orthopaedist.
and a person for a living and love photography , especially my children .
I hope everyone who passes through here can use my eyes to see what I see and enjoys the images for what they are.
The pictures here are primarily documentary, landscape, personal, family, travel, portrait, art, with some conceptual experimentation thrown in. I sometimes make photographs but more frequently I simply take them.
Almost pictures are taken by
Pentax Super A
with SMC m50mm F1.4,
DA*50-135mm F2.8,
DA16-45mm F4.0
Minolta TC-1
Olympus Pen EE3
Yashica Electro35
and Cannon AF35ML.
Few pictures are not mine.
Thanks of heart for you to visit me... I have much will to learn and much curiosity relatively to everything what it has to see with photograph, teaches to me what it will be able, I will be always ready to learn...
I prefer anyone commenting or faving my pictures or adding me as a contact to have pictures of their own in their account and have something about themselves written on their profile. If you don't have either of these, you're getting blocked, simple as that.
Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com

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My Blog
Korea, Republic